Meadiaville Listening Project

meadiaville listening project poster

This is the poster for Meadiaville Listening Project season 4, Lake Effect Love: Relationships in the Rust Belt. This was an ethnographic study of online dating in Meadville, PA. The 4 podcast series followed Meadville locals recounting their experience using dating apps.

Once the interviews were coded and the podcasts were made, we had a listening party at Firehouse, a local restuarant. Links to the actual podcasts will be available at a later time.

Classroom collab - Meadiaville Listening Project

Senior Thesis: Grindr and Neoliberalism

My final thesis, “Neoliberalism and Grindr: An Ethnographic Study of Digital Queer Community,” discusses how neoliberal ideologies impact queer online dating spaces. Specifically, I discuss how Grindr users are impacted. Spanning physical features of the app, emotional impact, and off-app interactions, data is collected and interpretted to determine just how these networking apps impact the users' headspace.

The paper discusses the larger societal impact of neoliberalism, Grindr’s app interface, and how these two things work together to shape user experience. To connect the two, I focus on the history of intimacy infrastructure. The paper contains a combination of figures composed of research findings and a literature review that outlines the history of queer intimacy online.

Once approved by IRB, a link to my findings and project excerpts will be added.